Fishing Book: Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures

Edited by Tyler McMahon and Paul Diamond

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Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures presents twenty-six true stories which cover the spectrum from terrifying to comical to downright bizarre. In these pages everyday fishermen, pros, and journalists tell their stories of freak accidents, fishy attacks, pranks, idiotic decisions, eerie or unexplained incidents, and other jaw dropping, adrenalin-pumping calamities. The stories bring to life the strange possibilities that await us once we cast our lines into known and unknown waters.


Inside these pages you’ll meet:

  • A sport fisherman who gets taken on harrowing underwater ride by an angry white shark.

  • An adventure angler whose boat is over turned by a 200 lb Amazon-river catfish.

  • A group of ice fishermen who lose their cabin, gear and pride to a single pike.

  • A teenager who sabotages a fish farm and frees 300,000 salmon.

  • A charter boat operator who gets speared through the chest by a leaping marlin.

From lakes to rivers to the ocean, this fishing book covers every form of angling, and all that can go wrong.

Book Details

Title: Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures
Genre: Nonfiction, Fishing book
Edited by: Tyler McMahon and Paul Diamond
Publisher: Casagrande Press, Inc
Publication Date: November 3, 2008
Paperback: 204 Pages
Size: 6” X 9”
ISBN: 0-9769516-4-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-9769516-4-3
Price: $15.95

Availability: Bookstores, and fishing shops
Distributed by:
Wilderness Press, 800-443-7227
Phone: 510-558-1666
[email protected]


Media Contact: Julia Christman, Verde Agency, [email protected], 206-226-6643.

Reviews of Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures

How does this fishing book measure up as good reading? Compelling, to be sure. A well chosen cast of characters who get into the kind of trouble we like to hear about, certainly. What I like about this book is its democratic character. The editors sought out both established fishing authors as well as those who are lesser known but nevertheless have a compelling story to tell and a way of telling it that keeps us squirming in our seats with a “you’ve got to be kidding me?”
Reviewed by Wayward Fly Fishing.